COMPOTE Apricots
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13,00 €


at Scuola28

Scuola28 is convinced that studying dance and related disciplines can improve the physical, mental, and emotional development of those who are in the process of building their own identities.

You can find more information about the registration process here.

4 - 5 Years

The class dedicated to younger students aims to raise children's awareness of the world of dance through motor, rhythmic and preparatory activities.

Playful-expressive and coordination exercises, musical listening, and the first steps of academic classical dance will be the main elements of this course.


6 - 7 Years

The course aims to introduce and raise children's awareness of the world of dance through motor, rhythmic and preparatory activities.

During the year children will begin to learn the first steps of academic classical dance through simple routines which are the basis of teaching. Listening exercises and games will also be carried out to gain awareness of musicality and rhythm.


7 - 8 Years

The aim of the course is to bring students closer to the classical technique through exercises on the floor, barre and the center.

The study of academic principles deepens without neglecting the playful and rhythmic aspect of the discipline.

9 - 11 Years

From this age on, the actual study of academic ballet begins.

Exercises are proposed with their specific nomenclature at the barre, in the center and on the diagonal. The sequences become more articulate and, since joining this course, the preparatory study of the Graham technique is introduced. The main concept of the syllabus is taught, such as the association of breathing and movement and the core use of pelvis in the various positions of the body.

12 - 13 Years

This course aims to consolidate and perfect the technique learned in previous levels.

In addition to the integration of new targeted and more complex exercises, a precise execution of what has been previously taught will be required, with particular attention to interpretation and emotion. Depending on the physical abilities and the articular and muscular development of each individual student, the program will continue while the exercises of the Graham technique will grow technically and musically. Advanced body perception and musicality is required.

14 Years and Older

The teaching of the last round of the technique exercises will be carried out taking care in every detail of the sense of movement and dynamics, giving each exercise the deserved amount of action and of emotion.

The use of pointe and demi pointe will alternate, and moments of study will be dedicated to the classical repertoire. The combination of the technique together with the musicality, the dynamics and the expression on the whole will make the students ready to face the study of the Graham repertoire.

6 - 9 Years

This course is based on learning the "foundations" of Hip Hop dance through playful activities that help the child get in tune with movement and music.

The first foundations are laid for tackling one of the main aspects of this culture: freestyle, which is stimulated through individual, couple and group games and exercises.

9 - 12 Years

In this course we try to consolidate and improve the technical elements learned in the previous course.

The "foundations" will be proposed in an increasingly complete and complex version in order to stimulate coordination, awareness of the body, space and musicality.

12 Years and Older

After consolidating the exercises proposed in the previous course, the "foundations" will be used to independently create the variations of the steps.

In this course the approach to freestyle, as well as that to music, becomes more intense. The learning of real choreographies becomes fundamental.

Hip Hop

This class is for those who want to dedicate an hour to relaxing and forgetting the stress and thoughts of the day.

The key word is fun. A complete new way of moving, learningthe rhythms and styles of Hip Hop music.


This course is dedicated to those willing to learn or rediscover the basic concepts and elements of classical dance.

A unique course where one can learn a series of exercises designed to introduce a student to the world of ballet, using its training potential in a harmonious atmosphere.

Alessia Gay
Aurora Denaro
Erica Rampone
Ilaria Loria
Julie Eggermont
Maria Biosa