COMPOTE Apricots
6,50 €
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13,00 €


Re-Balance Your Body

The wellbeing of the individual is the focal point of Bio28's vision. For this reason, Scuola28 proposes a series of physical preparation activities promoting the psycho-physical balance.

The classes of GRAVITY®, yoga, pilates, HIIT, and barre workout, open to everyone - dancers or not – are focused on awareness and proper use of the body.

Total Gym Elevate Encompass™

The key principle of this machine with infinite potential is the use of gravity to develop effective and safe workouts.

Lessons utilize one’s natural bodyweight without overloading the spine nor the joints, thus helping to improve mobility and fitness while preventing injuries. Alternating between strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, and control exercises, the practice offers a specific, motivating, and enjoyable training, ideal for dancers, athletes, and anyone simply wanting to train, stay fit, and increase their bodies’ physical abilities safely.


The concepts of movement, breath and stillness are incredible and foundational to yoga, allowing us to "be" in our bodies and our mind to rest.

Working on their interaction brings incredible physical and mental benefits.To participate in yoga classes, the movement part of which is very accessible,no experience, as they will not be followed classical asanas, but together we will explore a more intuitive approach to yoga: nonlinear and somatic.


Pilates Matwork exercises involve the entire body, maintaining tone and elasticity, with a comprehensive program that focuses on postural muscles.

Group classes are made effective and fun by a wide variety of exercises with gradual levels of difficulty.

High Intensity Interval Training

HIIT alternates periods of short, intense anaerobic exercise with periods of active recovery through less intense aerobic activity, consecutively on the same exercise.

It is the perfect activity for those who want to maintain their cardiovascular training and for those seeking a challenging lesson.


A training program inspired by the ballet barre which, blending elements derived from pilates and fitness, incorporates alignments and fundamental principles.

This class provides a medium intensity workout suitable for improving the metabolism, while respecting the functionality of the body. The class improves posture by acting on the core and deep muscles, improves joint mobility and flexibility, and strengthens the whole body, especially the abdomen, glutes and legs, without neglecting the arms. A fun program, suitable for everyone.

Erica Rampone
Ilaria Loria
Julie Eggermont
Maria Schönhofer