COMPOTE Apricots
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13,00 €
Nov. 16. 2024

Feldenkrais Experience

Are you familiar with the Feldenkrais® Method? Conceived by Dr Moshe Feldenkrais, it is a conscious approach to movement, combining the physical with the emotional and mental aspects.

At Bio28, we have planned a day dedicated to discovering this practice, together with Elena Cavallo and Emanuele Enria, for young people and adults who wish to get to know and deepen the anatomy of their bodies through movement and to experience the creative potential and beauty of gestures in dialogue with the nature that surrounds us.
The activities, from a walk with an agronomist to a guided meditation, ending with a movement experience in the hills of Monferrato, are structured as a journey through our body, which vertically confronts gravity and the surrounding nature, until returning to the ground and re-entering the water.

Those who wish may spend the night in our Glamping.

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Saturday November 16, 2024

09:30 / 10:00 a.m. - Arrival at Bio28 and check-in
10:00  a.m. / 11:00 a.m. - Walk with the agronomist
11:30 a.m. / 1:00 p.m. - Feldenkrais Method
1:00 / 2:30 p.m. - Lunch
2:45 / 3:30 p.m. - Meditative Breathing
3:30 / 4:30 p.m. - Rolling down the hill
5:00 p.m. - Check out


- € 90 

* Free cancellation up to 48h before the event.


Walk with the agronomist
This activity is an experience of landscape anatomy within the spaces of Bio28. The agronomist will illustrate the interactions between soils and the use of water as a natural resource.

Practice of the Feldenkrais Method
During this course, participants, guided by the teacher's voice, explore easy, pleasant and unusual movement sequences, retracing our phylogenetic evolution since we emerged from the water as fish.

Meditative breathing
In our bamboo forest, participants will get in touch with their breath, in a dialogue between inner and outer space, listening to those small movements that suggest new directions and openings.

Let's roll down the hill together: one of the first movements developed by Feldenkrais while observing infants, it teaches us how to use supports and pushes from the ground to move in space.


Elena Cavallo
Emanuele Enria
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